Game of Thrones seconda stagione, trailer

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HBO ha rilasciato il nuovo trailer della seconda stagione di Game of Thrones, la serie fantasy tratta dal best seller di George RR Martin che tornerà in onda dal primo aprile. Il video potete vederlo subito dopo il salto.

Hollywood Reporter ha riportato le dieci frasi più significative del filmato.

1. “Sometimes those with the most power have the least grace.”
2. “The war of five kings they’re calling it; nothing matters but how it ends.”
3. “The time to strike is now, the Starks fight the Lannisters, the Baratheons fight each other.”
4. “The Iron Throne is mine, by right.”
5. “You have inherited your father’s responsibilities — they come at a cost.”
6. “The comet means one thing, boy: dragons.”
7. “They will hit us in force and they won’t run away when we hit back.”
8. “You want to lead one day? Well learn how to follow.”
9. “When my dragons are grown, we will lay waste to armies and burn cities to the ground!”
10. “The king is a lost cause; it’s the rest of us I’m worried about now.”

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